[ 回主頁 ]軒小資訊>>學校課程-Engish


1. Aims

  1. To promote reading across the curriculum through STEM reading.
  2. To develop pupils’ self-directed learning skills through e-learning and iPad.
  3. To cater for learner diversity among pupils through school-based tasks.
  4. To strengthen pupils’ competence in English through various co-curricular activities.

2. Implementation of the plan

  1. Promote reading across the curriculum
  2. Pupils are encouraged to read books other than fictions during the library lessons. A number of books in alignment with the subjects taught in General Studies are incorporated in the books for library lessons.

  3. develop pupils’ self-directed learning skills
  4. Self-directed learning skills are developed in pupils through the learning tasks such as notebooks, self-study booklets, learning websites, English Learning Corner, P4-P.6 Sustained Silent Reading, Reading Scheme Award, P.1-3 Show and Tell, P.4-6 One-Minute Talk and projects for all levels. Also, iPad assisted task are designed. With the implementation of e-learning elements in the curriculum, students’ interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence are strengthened through diversified interactions.

  5. Cater for learner diversity
  6. In order to cater for learner diversity, graded writing tasks and dictation sheets will be set to help pupils. Spelling worksheets are given to help P.1 and P.2 pupils to learn the key words of each chapter.

  7. Strengthen Pupils’ Competence In English Through Various Co-Curricular Activities
  8. We believe it is important to give ample chances to our students to practise their English via different language environment. As a result, a wide range of extra-curricular activities are provided.

    1. Our English Drama Team provides training for Key Stage 2 students and prepares them for the performance at the Drama Festival. Our team has won several prizes in the competitions.
    2. Our English Ambassadors from P.4 mainly help English teachers promote a language-rich environment such as organizing The English Village’s activities and Halloween activities.
    3. “Reading bag” is a newly introduced activity to P.1 and P.2 in attempt to foster pupils to read at the lower primary level. Pupils take turns to take a reading bag which contains a small storybook and a stuffed toy home. After reading, they talk or write about their feeling about the story.
    4. Our English village is for Key Stage 1 students. It is a language rich environment for students to practise their English. Various games and activities such as board games and vocabulary games are provided to make learning fun.

3. Course Introduction

  1. P2
  2. P3
  3. P4
  4. P5
  5. P6